>>>>> "John" == John Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    John> M-x find-name-dired Find-name (directory): c:/tmp/ Find-name
    John> (filename wildcard): *

    John> I recieve

    John>   c:/tmp/: find .  \( -name '*' \) -exec ls -ld {} \;
    John>   drwxr-xr-x 2 jwharris None 0 Mar 20 2003 rmid.log

    John> at which point the find appears to "hang".
    John> Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Yes, but the recent snapshots fix it, so I assume that the next
release of cygwin1.dll will also fix it.
Adelle Davis used to say that she never saw anyone get cancer who
drank a quart of milk daily, as she did.  She stopped saying that when
she died of cancer in 1974.

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