> in a W2K3 command prompt (DOS) window
>       C:\cywin\bin>     (which is the command prompt prompt)
> I type the command
>       c:\cygwin\bin\bash -c "/local/adminscripts/test.sh"

Type "mount" instead from your DOS prompt while in the c:\cygwin\bin
directory.  If you see a mount point of "/" pointing to anywhere else
besides c:\cygwin, that could be part of your problem.

I recently had a mounting issue when upgrading from a very old cygwin,
b20 I think, and "umount -A" couldn't get rid of it, so I used regedit
to remove it.

The following is similar to what I use as a scheduled task:

    Run: C:\WINNT\system32\CMD.EXE /x /c start "Some title" /min
c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat cygwin_script arg1 arg2
    Start In: c:\cygwin     <-- must be a real disk drive and path
    Run as: domain\username

The cygwin.bat file:

    @echo off
    rem set HOME=c:\
    if "%DEF_PATH%"=="" set DEF_PATH=%PATH%
    set PATH=c:\cygwin\bin;%DEF_PATH%
    set myargs=%*
    if "%myargs%" == "" goto noarg
    rem echo %myargs%
    bash --rcfile %HOME%/.bashrc -i -c "%myargs%" 
    rem pause
    sleep 1
    goto exit

    rxvt -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i


Ken Shaffer

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