I installed the FreeNX Windows client (http://freenx.berlios.de/),
hoping to access my server machine remotely.  I didn't know it at the
time, but the Windows client includes a Cygwin DLL -- and it clobbered
by existing Cygwin installation, somehow (I forget the details -- I
think it modified important registry settings).

Clearly FreeNX's documentation is lacking, in that it didn't warn me
about this.

But I was wondering -- how _is_ a vendor such as FreeNX supposed to
distribute software that depends on Cygwin?  How can they avoid having
their own, separate, Cygwin installation on the user's machine?

In the movie Ghostbusters, there's a sign in the background of
one scene that says, "Danger! 10,000 Ohms!" I cannot explain to
laymen why people like me think that is uproariously funny.
        -- Steven den Beste

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