I suppose you could always use the 'clear' command instead of cls. If you need cls specifically, you can alias it to clear.

From the edit point of view, is this something you could accomplish with
another command-line editor (say vim)?

William Sutton

On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, James Calfee wrote:

We need to run a DOS program as a service.  The program provides
valuable information in the DOS window in an interactive ASCII color
interface but does not provide any method to connect to this interface
if started as a service.

One solution is to run this program under screen.  Unfortunately, this
will not work until I can get these things resolved:

* DOS "cls" command does not work under screen
* DOS "edit" program does not work under screen

Does anyone know how to get these things working under Cygwin's screen?

Steps to produce:

Open a DOS window (start, run, cmd) or open Cygwin
Run something like this> c:\cygwin\bin\screen cmd
Or just> screen cmd
... Dos text and a prompt should come up ..
Type> cls

The command is echoed back but the console does not clear.

Running 'edit' does basically the same thing too.  Instead of seeing
edit's blue interface, the command is echoed and the console hangs.
Pressing Ctrl+C will terminate screen's session.

These test do not use ANSI.sys (see absence of this device in
/cygdrive/c/CONFIG.SYS).. The 'edit' program works just fine without it.
Maybe screen can manage without it too.

Any help is appreciated.


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