Dave Korn wrote:

> 207           htobe = CreateThread (&sec_none_nih, 0, is_freerange ?
> simplestub: stub,
> 208                                 this, 0, &id);
> 209           if (!htobe)
> 210             api_fatal ("CreateThread failed for %s - %p<%p>, %E", name,
> h, id);

  This is a problem actually.

> 953       waiter_ready = false;
> 954       /* Fire up a new thread to track the subprocess */
> 955       cygthread *h = new cygthread (proc_waiter, 0, this, "proc_waiter");

  The new process has already been fired up in a suspended state by this time,
and if the cygthread c-tor exits, we leave the half-built process lying around


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