Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:34:24PM -0700, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
Eric Blake wrote:
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According to Jerry DeLisle on 7/5/2009 1:35 PM:
Warning: There are multiple cygwin1.dlls on your path

That's probably your culprit.

I saw that too and did a full search of the disk and there is only one 

I am also seeing a stack dump for id.exe and one for bash.exe. The id.exe stackdump occurs when I execute cygcheck -s

The other symptoms are: none of the startup scripts are being sourced 

I end up with a bare shell running with /usr/bin as the current working directory. The only reason I can do anything at all is I added the cygwin bin directory to the windows path.

You're still in the wrong thread.  Look at the subject.  Does it have
anything to do with the problem you are having?  Apparently it doesn't.

It sounds like you are conflating a serious STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION which
is known to occur on Windows 7 with your not-so-serious "Bash
initialization w/cygwin-1.7".

My release of binutils means that Eric can respin bash.  It doesn't mean
that, if you install binutils, it will somehow fix bash.

But, I'm not sure why binutils would be to blame for bash not
initializing correctly.

Well, I am moving to this thread now. I presumed this has something to do with bash, maybe execution of the post install scripts has been messed up. Perhaps the default bash startup scripts are not present at all. Regardless, I was seeing the bash stackdump and that is what lead me to believe it was the other problem (other thread)


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