On Tuesday 19 December 2000 01:55, Don Bowman wrote:
> installer. When invoked via telnet, bash quits with the
> same "couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout" message.
> My other windows2000 box with the same setup but cygwin1.dll
> of ts=1998/12/3 23:39 works well with the telnet server.

Fine. There's has been made a change in Cygwin which tries the
following on init:

- Get the stdin, stdout and stderr handles from the system.
- If stdout handle == stderr handle then try to separate them
  into two _different_ handles. This is important to allow
  separate redirection of stdout and stderr.
- If this failes (The Win32 system call `DuplicateHandle')
  the above system error output is forced.

The problem is that the W2K telnet server doesn't allow duplicating
the handle for some strange reason which only Microsoft knows of.

Try using telnet from the inetutils package.


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