On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:14:55 +0100 Mark Carroll wrote:
> Ralf <unknown.crew...@rocketship.com> writes:
> > The file is from  mtools  . I wonder what  /usr/bin/tgz  is good
> > for.
> I don't have mtools installed but it looks like tgz may be something
> like using tar with its -z option: to work with compressed file
> archives.

That's my guess too, but a  tar -czf  does behave different and
especially  tar --help  has got another behaviour.

By meld I compared my $HOME with a backup and excepted of
the created file     --help.tgz
and the directories  ./--help*
after running  tgz --help  nothing happened.

On the used machine mtools is installed as optional dependency for
gparted and mc. This isn't a Debian install, the mc and gparted
packages for Debian don't list mtools as depends, recommends,
suggests or enhances, so mtools seems to be quite useless :D.

It seems only to be useful to access floppy disks and ZIP disks,
something that isn't provided by the used machine.

I'll purge it.

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