On 5 Oct, a linux audio user mailing list member shared this thoughts,
>How about a .wav file recreating ADN ?  This is put to ridicule easily
>if it wasn't for the work of professor Montagnier, one of the
>co-discoverers of AIDS, who picked up the work from prof. Benveniste.
>With all his prizes and merits and the Nobel prize, Montaigner's carrer
>is done.  No need to look for trouble.  And especially not picking such
>a research that demonstrated that a .wav file can generate ADN in
>water, tested with a police ADN tester.  Experiment was simple.  To
>have some ADN in water, then to dilute it to extremely tiny
>proportions.  Then resonate a wave through the water and record it.
>Send it to a university in Italy where they will play it back to
>ordinary water.  Test the resulting water for ADN.  Tests positive.
>Why risk a carrer and fame on that ?  Montaigner is still at it, in
>2014 at the Unesco scientific convention.
>Does it have to do with "the universe" ?  Don't know.  But there's more
>to sound in "relation" to the world we live in.  IMHO, keeping an open
>mind is Good.  

Should "ADN" read "DNA"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADN

A web search lead to

I dislike to discuss this, until there's no explanation about the
maths regarding the claim about the frequency of the standard A, that
should be in consistence with the universe.

There was the claim that there's a mathematical evidence. I don't claim
there isn't such maths, I just doubt very, very much that there is a
mathematically evidence. Is there any source to confirm that claim?


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