Hi y'all,

PC-Engines Alix running fine since 2013, only one CF-card has failed.
Out of 5 RPi had 3 failing during the last 2 years. Several SD-cards have 
failed too.
Cubietruck running fine since 2 years, but a 12V-5V board for the HDD failed 
right in the beginning.

Conclusion = I won't bet my existence on RPi anymore.
Have a spare CF-card with OS installed around.
Backup! Backup! Backup! And have up-to-date disk-images around.

(running Debian Wheezy on Cubietruck and RPi, and running OpenBSD on Alix)

Anybody else like to share experience with tiny one-board-computers?


Eike Lantzsch ZP6CGE

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