On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 05:12:39AM +0200, Unknown Crewman wrote:
> thank you for your replies. Unfortunately I still didn't find a
> replacement for roxterm.

I used to use xterm (way back) until it started having some serious
performance issues, especially scrolling large scrollback buffers and
scrolling lots of text with cat/less etc.

I think it was about that time I got familiar with GNU Screen, and
almost never turned back - only very recently, one screen bug became a
showstopper and so I spent the hours to learn and customize tmux, which
now forever, completely, and very happily, replaces gnu screen for me -
completely configurable in every way one could want ("graphical like"
TUI tabs, identical keystrokes to Firefox (hey don't knock it till you
try it :), single key "new tab" and other functions (again, if that's
how you configure it) - this is a FAST and effective UI!

So then, in about 2008, I used Ubuntu and Gnome-Terminal for a couple of
years, until getting annoyed at that, going back to xterm, and
discovering that thankfully the performance problems had been solved.

AFAICS, TUI is the best when any remote admin is concerned, and so tmux
(the software formerly incarnated as gnu screen) is the bomb! :D

And also, xterm does everything one could need, I would have though -
specify font, fast N-lines batch based scrolling, supports full screen
on a UXGA monitor, and otherwise never fails me.

Of course if you want a tradition GUI type interface (menu bar, GUI tabs
rather than tmux tabs etc), then I guess your option is something other
them xterm?

Good luck,

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