Alexandre Passant wrote:
> Hi,
> On 8 Oct 2009, at 16:54, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>> Alexandre Passant a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On 8 Oct 2009, at 16:09, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> The intersection of Leigh Dodds SPARQL extensions survey [1], 
>>>>> imminent official release of Virtuoso 6.0 (DBpedia basic and Live 
>>>>> already use this, ditto LOD Cache, and B3S public endpoints), and 
>>>>> an old post by Bernard Vatant re. skos:broader, has lead to this 
>>>>> simple, but powerful example of  Virtuoso's Transitive Option 
>>>>> extension for SPARQL :
>>>>> #Transitive Option Off
>>>>> PREFIX p: <>
>>>>> PREFIX dbpedia: <>
>>>>> PREFIX category: <>
>>>>> PREFIX rdfs: <>
>>>>> PREFIX skos: <>
>>>>> PREFIX geo: <>
>>>>> SELECT DISTINCT ?m ?n ?p ?d
>>>>> WHERE {
>>>>> ?m rdfs:label ?n.
>>>>> ?m skos:subject ?c.
>>>>> ?c skos:broader category:Churches_in_Paris.
>>>>> ?m p:abstract ?d.
>>>>> ?m geo:point ?p
>>>>> FILTER ( lang(?n) = "fr" )
>>>>> FILTER ( lang(?d) = "fr" )
>>>>> }
>>>>> #Transitive Option On
>>>>> PREFIX p: <>
>>>>> PREFIX dbpedia: <>
>>>>> PREFIX category: <>
>>>>> PREFIX rdfs: <>
>>>>> PREFIX skos: <>
>>>>> PREFIX geo: <>
>>>>> SELECT DISTINCT ?m ?n ?p ?d
>>>>> WHERE {
>>>>> ?m rdfs:label ?n.
>>>>> ?m skos:subject ?c.
>>>>> ?c skos:broader category:Churches_in_Paris OPTION (TRANSITIVE).
>>>>> ?m p:abstract ?d.
>>>>> ?m geo:point ?p
>>>>> FILTER ( lang(?n) = "fr" )
>>>>> FILTER ( lang(?d) = "fr" )
>>>>> }
>>>> As skos:broader is not transitive [1] but its superproperty 
>>>> skos:broaderTransitive is, shouldn't the second query be
>>>> ?c skos:broaderTransitive category:Churches_in_Paris OPTION 
>>>> Best,
>>>> Alex.
>>>> [1]
>>> +1. Also, skos:subject is not in the recommendation...
>> Fine, but what happens when the data in question already has such 
>> triples? Try this against DBpedia:
>> PREFIX p: <>
>> PREFIX dbpedia: <>
>> PREFIX category: <>
>> PREFIX rdfs: <>
>> PREFIX skos: <>
>> PREFIX geo: <>
>> SELECT DISTINCT ?m ?n ?p ?d
>> WHERE {
>>   ?m rdfs:label ?n.
>>   ?m skos:subject ?c.
>>   ?c skos:broaderTransitive category:Churches_in_Paris option 
>> (transitive) .
>>   ?m p:abstract ?d.
>>   ?m geo:point ?p
>>  FILTER ( lang(?n) = "fr" )
>>  FILTER ( lang(?d) = "fr" )
>> }
>> You will have an empty result-set. Again, this is the point Bernard 
>> Vatant made in his post a long time ago.
> So there is something wrong in the current inference done in DBPedia.
> Indeed, that query lists one result
> PREFIX p: <>
> PREFIX dbpedia: <>
> PREFIX category: <>
> PREFIX rdfs: <>
> PREFIX skos: <>
> PREFIX geo: <>
> SELECT DISTINCT ?m ?n ?p ?d
>   ?m rdfs:label ?n.
>   ?m skos:subject ?c.
>   ?c skos:broader category:Churches_in_Paris .
>   ?m p:abstract ?d.
>   ?m geo:point ?p
>  FILTER ( lang(?n) = "fr" )
>  FILTER ( lang(?d) = "fr" )
> }
> But the following one list none
> PREFIX p: <>
> PREFIX dbpedia: <>
> PREFIX category: <>
> PREFIX rdfs: <>
> PREFIX skos: <>
> PREFIX geo: <>
> SELECT DISTINCT ?m ?n ?p ?d
>   ?m rdfs:label ?n.
>   ?m skos:subject ?c.
>   ?c skos:broaderTransitive category:Churches_in_Paris .
>   ?m p:abstract ?d.
>   ?m geo:point ?p
>  FILTER ( lang(?n) = "fr" )
>  FILTER ( lang(?d) = "fr" )
> }
> However, skos:broaderTransitive is a superproperty of skos:broader, so 
> you should get at least the result of the first query included here.
Only if you have a Virtuoso context rule in place (the kind I created 
for Yago, UMBEL, OpenCyc, DBpedia ontology etc..) that is associated 
with a Graph IRI that holds the assertions. Thus, in this case, I would 
have to do the following:

1. Load SKOS ontology into Virtuoso instance hosting DBpedia
2. Associate a context rule with the Graph IRI
3. When issuing SPARQL or associating SPARQL with URL-Rewrite rules, 
invoke the inference rule pragma.

If you look at: or, 
post initial query result presentation, you have an "options" link, this 
is where you can see the context rules that are currently available. In 
short, this is what I use (e.g. "b3sifp") for my data reconciliation via 
direct and indirect co-reference demos.

Anyway, we'll have this all set up, then and make another post so 
everyone has the respective rule names for future reference and use.

> Then, the query you mentioned earlier (using option (transitive) with 
> skos:broaderTransitive) should not give an empty set - and everything 
> work fine.
> Thanks,
> Alex.
> BTW, do you have a link to Bernard's post ?
>> Ultimate solution: make an inference rule that asserts: 
>> <skos:broaderTransitive> owl:subPropertyOf <skos:broader> (or make a 
>> context rule from the entire skos ontology), and you will then have 
>> the revised query return data for those databases that have used 
>> skos:broader to build their concept scheme structure (assuming you 
>> apply the inference rule pragma). Otherwise,  If your store has 
>> skos:broaderTransitive data, then just change the query :-)
>> Kingsley
>>> Best,
>>> Antoine
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen          Weblog:
>> President & CEO OpenLink Software     Web:
> -- 
> Dr. Alexandre Passant
> Digital Enterprise Research Institute
> National University of Ireland, Galway
> :me owl:sameAs <> .



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