also sprach Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <> [2014-09-19 21:49 +0200]:
> I think it's Okay to _suggest_ available tasks to sponsored
> attendees (as well as to all attendees IMHO), but I don't think it
> is Okay to _require_ their accomplishment.

This is okay at LISA, but LISA is also a commcercial conference
without a community you contribute to for the rest of the year, and
the bursaries team's criteria do look at contribution to the project
during the rest of the year, rather than willingness to pick up
volunteer tasks.

Given that we are a volunteer-run conference, I think everyone
already knows that we need all the help, and many already pick up
pieces where they can and see them.

Part of the problem IMHO has been that the orga team wasn't really
prepared to coordinate such willingness, and so much potential has
been unused in the past, I think.

So we should make sure to have enough tasks available for people to
sign up, and try to make it clear that this is expected from
*everyone*. Maybe IRC-proxy is one such way to engage as
a volunteer.

I was not trying to suggest that sponsored people should feel more

But we would appreciate any input we can get on how we could make
this more "attractive" to attendees.

Hope this clarifies (at least my position),

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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