also sprach Ian Jackson <> [2016-09-08 14:22 
> > While we cannot promise to avoid all conflicts, obviously, we can
> > certainly include these data in future decisions.
> Yes.
> I think sharing these conflicts is valuable because it has prompted
> this:


(it's hardly a new topic. In the past, we've even tried to
coordinate with other conferences well ahead of time. For instance,
DC15 reached out to CCCamp 20 months ahead of the conference, but
despite all these efforts, the conflict happened anyway)

> That is currently an empty page.  Is there a template we should use ?
> I found this:
> which I could perhaps adapt ?

Looks good. I am not aware of any other template.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17: Montreal:

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