On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 08:22:53PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> yeah, right & totally true. And as I see it, this is so far the best prepared 
> DebConf _ever_: we already have >60K, with 10-40k "in the pipeline", and we 
> are _NINE_ months ahead.

Sadly, sponsorship is not lineal. So far, most of the companies who have agreed 
sponsor DebConf were the already convinced ones and some have even already 
for us.
Raising a lot of money isn't going to fix some of the concerns I have raised.

> The discussions on this list for a large part have drifted away quite a lot 
> IMO. As I see it (and compared to any other year), we are doing great. (On 
> technical terms, preparing dc13. There are other aspects where we are 
> somewhat 
> lacking.)

People have stopped mailing and talking about concerns because they have been
ignored, called bad person because 'they don't trust the localteam',  and in 
cases by IRC, insulted or seen how others were insulted by giving an opinion
that doesn't agree with yours.

You take the silence as you are doing great, I take it as some people just stop 
caring about next year's DebConf, realized they are not going and just moved
I personally wrote a big part of my first email some days ago, I wasn't 
to send it but I got some encouragement to do it.

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