On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 01:09:22PM -0400, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
> The DebConf Videoteam requests a budget increase for DebConf 14.

> Shipping cost Chicago <-> Portland of Carl Karsten's gear:        $2000
> Rental of screens, projectors and PA speakers for 3 rooms:         $900
> Purchase of hdmi to vga converters for presenters' laptops:        $200
> Buffer for miscellaneous expenses: 
> (duct tape, batteries, unexpected/broken stuff, etc)               $500
>                                                                   -----
>                                                            Total: $3600

> Except for the rental items noted above, Carl's gear includes all the
> cameras, tripods, audio mixers, microphones, twinpacts, laptops, cables
> and other gear required for Videoteam to cover 3 rooms.

Thanks, it's good to have this set out.

Where are you proposing to rent the screens, projectors, and speakers for
this, and what are the specifications of what is being rented?  Do we have
an actual quote for this rental?  PSU has this kind of equipment available
for rental and is probably a cheaper option than an off-site rental; we
should certainly investigate them as a provider.

How did you arrive at this $200 figure for HDMI to VGA converters?  The
*worst* price I've found for HDMI-VGA cables on Amazon is $20 apiece;
assuming one per talk room, that's < $70 including shipping, which is
nowhere near $200.

As for a miscellaneous buffer, please note that the DebConf budget currently
includes a $3000 budget for unforeseen expenses.  I don't think it makes
sense for there to be a separate buffer line item for the video team.

Note that some of these costs are also accounted for in the budget (just not
at the level apparently needed), so this wouldn't be a net $3600 increase.
Specifically, there's a $200 line item in the budget for AV shipping and
customs, and a $600 line item for shipping, where TTBOMK we don't have any
other shipping costs besides the t-shirts.  (Patty, how much is shipping on

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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