Hi everybody
I've been looking at past DebConf websites.

I think it's nice if we do like DC14:

* Now we have in the website:

    DebConf e.V.

* Add one more "Travel & Venue", pointing to
https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Welcome (I've created the wiki
page, copied the scheme and some sections (empty) from DC14. I'll try to
fulfill some parts with the info already provided in DC14 presentation
talk. I hope we all together can do the rest :) )

* Add one more "Registration" with some small info until registration is
open (attached you can find a proposal, taken from DC14 too), and more
info when summit is open for registration.

I've created a branch "registration_page" in debconf-data/dc15.git and
pushed there the registration.xhtml file (not sure if this is the
correct procedure).

Even if all of you agree with this, I don't know how to make the
corresponding changes for creating the menus in the main page etc. So
another person should do that, I think.

Comments welcome.

Laura Arjona

Attachment: registration.xhtml
Description: application/xhtml

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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