Hi all

Following on from last week's meetings [1]:

There's three meetings that's supposed to happen this week. Can the
people indicated (or if you feel you need to be indicated) please let
me know 1) if these are scheduled already (and reply all with when),
2) if not, if you would like me to schedule it (and if so, the
relevant people to please tell me their constraints) and 3) if you
need anything from anyone that we should go poke on your behalf.

(side note, how does one indent and number properly for the peeps who
read email in terminal?)

* 1. Weekly orga meeting - Stefano, has the dudle given a time yet?

* 2. Website meeting - Tammy, Raoul, Simon
** 0. Timeframe - get prelimanary deadlines for all components of
website. - Bernelle can oversee this, but needs input from team.
** 1. Design - Tammy to coordinate, incl content
** 2. Front end design - Raoul to coordinate. [todo] incl
templatizing, decide on static site type (wafer?), layout and UX and
meta, wireframes, mockups, content matrix... "move information from
the website to the wiki"
** 3. Back end design (wafer) - will this be part of the meeting, Simon?

*3.  Budget meeting/hack session - Team leads submit proposals, all
who can hack out some informed thumbsucks - Nigel, what do you need me
to do here? I don't think we have team leads to do this yet, I think
we just work off DC15 and Nicaragua numbers, IMHO.
** what are the deadlines relating to budget?
** " <nkukard> I can submit a mail weekly to the ML with outstanding items?"


[1] -  
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