On 20/10/15 at 15:55 +0200, Daniel Lange wrote:
> >2) move the chairs selection process from designation by the DPL to
> >election by the DebConf team. Given that the chairs are supposed to
> >protect the Debian Project from serious issues with DebConf
> >organization, I find it backward that the DebConf team is able to
> >self-select the controllers. Of course it's obvious that the DebConf
> >team should have a say about possible chairs (to ensure that they are
> >fine with working with the chairs), but I think that an election goes to
> >far. I wonder if a suitable result could not be achieved with a
> >negociation between the team and the DPL about possible chairs for a
> >specific edition of DebConf. (The important change here would be that
> >chairs would be nominated for a specific edition of DebConf, which makes
> >it possible to choose them based on the ability to work with specific
> >organizers)
> I'm a big fan of fair and free elections (as you probably saw when I asked
> people to vote for T-Shirt colors :)).
> But that is a personal preference. I'm not sure such negotiations will not
> get people even more upset than the fact that I (and others) reserve the
> right to talk privately even about DebConf matters and not do everything we
> ever do on mailing lists.

I think that I have two different issues with that point. One is the one
to which you replied, that is, the fact that the current suggestion is
to use an election, which always have a feeling of personification and
popularity contest that I'm not a big fan of.

But my main objection is that I don't think that it should be the DebConf
team members' responsibility to select who is going to control/supervise
them. If the Debian project thinks there's a need for a group of people
in charge of supervising the team organizing its conference, then the
Debian project (possibly through the DPL) should be choosing the
supervisors, not the team. (Of course, it makes a lot of sense to
involve the DebConf team in the discussion about possible chairs, but
that's not the same thing)

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