also sprach Daniel Lange <> [2016-02-04 17:29 +1100]:
> I recommend to collect all data that we need for bursaries
> decisions and venue accommodation occupancy because contacting
> people individually is a huge amount of work that we should avoid
> where ever we can (reduce orga work load).

Hi Daniel,

I am sorry that I probably wasn't very clear, as I am not trying to
advocate reaching out to people individually, but to reach out to
these people and send them to a separate web form, as soon as we
have the sponsorship questionaire finished.

The advantage of this approach IMHO is two-fold:

First it buys us a bit of time as we can open pre-registration
somewhat close to schedule without finalising bursaries questions.

And second, it takes the weight off pre-registration, so we'll
likely get more data quicker. Surely though, should we choose to
display more than a preliminary question, JavaScript could come to
the rescue here too.

If, on the other hand, we decide to push out more than just
preliminary questions at this stage, then we need to nail those
questions ASAP. For people to decide whether they need financial
aid, we'll need to have reasonably accurate room&board prices. Are
the prices quoted on the stormpad¹ final?

Comparing the set of questions in the stormpad¹ to the approach we
took for DC15 creates the question for me why we are approaching
this entirely differently. Was DC15's approach not good?

Do we have to ask separately about food and room sponsorship? Do we
have a sizeable number of people for whom it was
either-or-but-not-both? It would be easier if sponsorship was just
for both, not either-or.


> We need to have rather final accommodation numbers in April (we
> set so April 6th as our internal deadline in
> to avoid cancellation cost at UCT.

I don't think we will have final accomodation numbers in April, but
we'll have a better basis for an estimation.

One consideration might be to ask people whether they plan to stay
on campus, or will make their own arrangements anyway.

Travel sponsorships need not be finalised by then, I think. Maybe it
will make sense to regard sponsorship (and outreach) a more
continuous process leading up to the event.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17 in your country?

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