also sprach David Bremner <> [2016-04-06 01:52 +0200]:
> - These numbers don't include accomodation and food bursaries. The
> budgeting for that was very complicated/confusing last year. We
> would be happy to have a more concrete number to work with.

I am sorry to hear this. I am aware that I bothered you all with too
many implementation details, and many found the complexity of the
assumptions and scenarios confusing.

However, the budget file did have an overview tab which was really
the only tab intended for mass consumption, while the other tabs
contained the details in case more information is needed.

If you would take a peek at the screenshot of the DC15 budget
document, could you fathom what a "more concrete number to work
with" would look like?

Thank you!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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