also sprach Tammy Manning <> [2016-06-01 10:24 +0200]:
> They all fall within our Budget, apart from the Hoodies that are
> a little more expensive. We can source money from the Swag items,
> as not all of them come to the full Budget. If you like the Hoodie
> idea.
> Cape Town in Winter is known for its rain, and cold temperatures
> on some days. I would strongly suggest, going with the Long Sleeve
> options.

I'd say this is something you local guys know how to decide best.

If you want some input:

T-Shirts are ubiquitous, but they are also most useful. Long-sleeves
and hoodies aren't going to be worn much in summer or even inside,
around the year. But they could be a refreshing change from the

In general though I'd probably like to suggest to opt for less of
higher quality than more of lesser quality, i.e. a better t-shirt
over a lower-quality hoodie.

> There are different Material options:
> a) Hemp and Organic Cotton - super soft and comfortable
> b) Plastic Bottles and Cotton - Yep, you'd be surprised at how soft Plastic
> Bottles can be! The T's are made out of recycled plastic bottles. The
> fibres are then woven with the cotton to create the fabric.
> c) Cotton - lovely and soft.

If you care about my opinion:

Fairtrade organic all the way, so the first two sound good. The only
question I have on the recycled plastic is how breathable the
resulting fabric is. Cotton and hemp are great (but they soak up
moisture/sweat too), while nylon shirts are really not too great in
terms of breathability and daily use (they are good for sports
though). So where do the plastic bottles slot in in that spectrum?

Hope this helps,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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