Hi there,

In today's meeting I was asked to provide a summary of the stuff we
received at feedb...@debconf.org. A lot of happy attendees did say
thank you for a great conference, so ingest that first!

And some sponsors already provided their feedback, which was
generally of the "we were happy, thanks, maybe this and that could
be improved" nature. Good job!

There is also a whole lot more feedback linked to from

I'll keep this short, this is what we received at feedback@ in
condensed form, and anonymised of course, but including number of
people saying this (which was mostly 1):

- signage could have been improved around campus (GPS coords
  published too?) [1 person]

- accessibility was not sufficiently handled. [2p]

- schedule should be published in advance. [1p]

- the talk details template should include room and time
  information. Attendee said: "I collected some links of talks
  I want to attend before debconf. When I opened the links again,
  I did not had the time and room information on theses links." [1p]

- food quality wasn't great [1p]

- attendees need (an easier) way to opt out of things if they don't
  get bursary [madduck: seems like a UI/UX topic] [1p]

- official comms were great, but -discuss mailing list was not obvious.

- group photo is missing!! ;)

That's it. Good night,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf17 Montreal, CA: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17
      DebConf18 in your city? https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf18

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