Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Arne Goetje (
>> <nitpick> Given that zh is actually a meta tag for "any Chinese
>> language", it would probably even make sense to finally define what we
>> mean with "zh", namely "Mandarin Chinese", which has the ISO 639-3
>> language tag "cmn". Means, the locales should actually be
>> cmn-{Hans|Hant}-{CN|SG|TW|HK|MO}. </nitpick> ;)
> Does it make any sense, here ?
> My understanding (but I might be entirely wrong) was, up to now, that
> when it comes at written languages, there is basically no point in
> making a difference between Mandarin and Cantonese (or other
> variants)....both being written in either the "Traditional" way or the
> "Simplified".
> So, roughly, I was understanding Mandarin and Cantonese as two
> different spoken language...which happen to be written the same way.

Nope, certainly not. Those languages use different characters and
different vocabulary. Even when they use the same characters, those
occasionally do have entirely different meanings. That said, one who is
able to read Mandarin, is not automatically able to understand written
Cantonese or any other Chinese language.

But as I indicated, it's nitpicking as the zh tag is commonly associated
with Mandarin Chinese and we use ISO639-3 tags for the other Chinese
languages already.


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