
On Fri, 19 Apr 2013, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Raphael Hertzog, le Thu 18 Apr 2013 08:27:01 +0200, a écrit :
> > 1/ you're setting up dbus within d-i instead of letting it happen during
> >    the first boot like on other installation scenarios
> ? I don't undesrstand this: it only sets up a temporary session just for
> setting the value.

During my tries I got this error:

error: Cannot spawn a message bus without a machine-id: Unable to load 
/var/lib/dbus/machine-id or /etc/machine-id: Failed to open file 
'/var/lib/dbus/machine-id': No such file or directory

Now you're calling dbus-launch and I expect that a side-effect of this
is to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id.

So I'm saying that on normal install this would be created on first boot
while in install with speech synthesis it's now created within d-i.

(it might not be a big deal, but it's the kind of side effect that I prefer to 

> > 3/ you change directly the user configuration instead of adjusting
> >    the defaults (this one is debatable since supplementary users might
> >    not want a11y enabled by default but this is a minor inconvenience)
> Yes, thus Cc-ing debian-accessibility.  I'm not sure what we really
> want.  Most often, users (other than the person who installed the system
> with braille or speech) will not want accessibility being enabled.

Yeah, but how common is the multiple users per machine scenario ?
And whatever happens, all users will have gdm with a11y enabled.

> On the other hand, just changing the default could be less surprising
> than having a configured user.
> But on the other hand again, having "a file in
> /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas outside of dpkg's knowledge" is not a good
> thing either, and people will wonder how this script ended up there, and
> not coming from a package.

That's why I have put a clear comment on the top of the file that says
what created this file. I agree it's not perfect but the same goes for having
one user pre-configured and not the others...

I would not expect to have files in my home directory that do not come from
/etc/skel/ (except standard directories from xdg-user-dirs).

The other positive point of changing the default is that you don't have
to special case and hardcode the knowledge of the gdm user.

> > 4/ if the system is reconfigured so that gsettings uses something else
> >    than dconf as backend,
> Urgl, so gsettings might be storing parameters another way, depending on
> the system preference?  That, however is really a problem indeed.

Yes. That said I don't know anyone who has done it in production. The only
supported databases so far are dconf and gconf.

> Would it be possible to store a schema file somewhere in the user home?

Not that I know. I tried to look up alternative places to put the schema
override files (in /var, in /etc, etc.) but didn't find any (except if
you're ready to change XDG_DATA_DIRS system-wide).

See "man glib-compile-schemas".

> Now, an issue is that while finish-install can be updated with a new
> patch without rebuilding debian-installer, brltty can not, and rc2,
> supposed to be used for 7.0.0, is already on its way.  Ideally we'd use
> the same strategy for both the speakup and the brltty installations...

Yes, I agree. That said it doesn't break anything to mix up the strategies.
Thus we can always sync for 7.0.1.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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