Dear Scott Howard,

I'm a student of Electrical Engineering and Eagle is one of the most
imprtant tools in the early toolkit. While I'd prefer if Kicad took
its place that's just not going to happen. At the very least any time
soon. While our Professors wouldn't mind if students used Kicad
instead it's just not feasible as the interoperability between Kicad
and eagle as far as I know makes teamwork impossible, unless all team
members were to switch.
About libjpeg62 not being multiarch: in my humble opinion keeping
eagle in the archive is reason enough to convert libjpeg62. At least
If a transition to libpng14 is not an option - please try talking to
the people at cadsoft. If I recall correctly the Metzler brothers,
authors of vdr are somehow important at cadsoft. They might be
understanding about the issues.

I hope you can find a way to keep eagle in the archive somehow.


Jonas Meyer

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