
sorry for my late response - I was offline for familiar reasons for a

> With gnome-session-fallback, I saw it. With gnome-session, there is no 
> other button than the close one, no matter the application, that is why 
> I assumed you were using gnome-session-fallback.
> >I assume here that you can reproduce the error that you miss the
> >maximize button.
> I cannot with gnome-session-fallback, and I can with gnome-session, in 
> fact it is systematic and expected so it is not a problem.
I have to disagree:
Yes - it is a systematic error and it happens systematically - but no:
it is not the expected behaviour of windows in gnome (within

The firt time I open latexila everything is okay - I can maximize and
minimize it and change the size freely. After closing and opening again
I lost the abilitiy to do that. In order to be able to resize the window
again to a propper usable size I've to do the stuff I've written several
days ago. 

Maybe it is easier to discuss this via jabber or IRC and put the
protocoll later here in the bug for documentation purposes. 


ps: Jabber id: winnie(at)jabber(dot)der-winnie(dot)de

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