Here's a draft of a ballot for #681419.  Despite the form, I think this
is probably still more of a discussion document; Ian indicated that he'd
like the opportunity to discuss this by e-mail before voting, and I
don't know if I've fully captured all the positions and arguments.

Ian, I've taken the liberty of drafting option B in an attempt to
describe what I understand as your position, but I'm sure you can do a
better job of it.

I've committed this to our git repository as


  1. The Debian Policy Manual states (ยง2.2.1) that packages in main
     "must not require or recommend a package outside of main for
     compilation or execution".  Both "Depends: package-in-non-free" and
     "Recommends: package-in-non-free" clearly violate this requirement.
     The Technical Committee has been asked to determine whether a
     dependency of the form "package-in-main | package-in-non-free"
     complies with this policy requirement, or whether virtual packages
     must instead be used to avoid mentioning the non-free alternative.

  2. Both options have the following effects in common, meeting the
     standard that main should be functional and useful while being

    (a) Package managers configured to consider only main will install

    (b) Package managers configured to consider both main and non-free
        will prefer to install package-in-main, but may install
        package-in-non-free instead if so instructed, or if
        package-in-main is uninstallable.

    (c) If package-in-non-free is already installed, package managers
        will proceed without installing package-in-main.

  3. The significant difference between these two options is that the
     former makes the non-free alternative visible to everyone who
     examines the dependency relationship, while the latter does not.

A 4. Merely mentioning that a non-free alternative exists does not
A    constitute a recommendation of that alternative.  For example, many
A    free software packages state quite reasonably that they can be
A    compiled and executed on non-free platforms.
A 5. Furthermore, virtual packages are often a clumsy way to express
A    these kinds of alternatives.  If a package happens to require any
A    of several implementations of a facility that have a certain
A    option, then it can either depend on suitable alternatives
A    directly, or its maintainer can first attempt to have fine-grained
A    virtual packages added to each of the packages they wish to permit.
A    In some cases this may be appropriate, but it can easily turn into
A    quite a heavyweight approach.
A Therefore:
A 6. The Technical Committee resolves that alternative dependencies of
A    the form "Depends: package-in-main | package-in-non-free" are
A    permissible in main, and do not constitute a violation of the
A    policy clause cited in point 1.
A 7. We nevertheless recommend that packages in main consider carefully
A    whether this might cause the inadvertent installation of non-free
A    packages due to conflicts, especially those with usage
A    restrictions.

B 4. Listing a package explicitly in a dependency relationship implies
B    to users that the maintainer has taken steps to confirm its
B    suitability, and thus amounts to a recommendation, even if only as
B    one of several possibilities.
B 5. There is a substantial risk that a secondary dependency on a
B    package in non-free will cause that package to be installed by
B    default when the primary dependency is uninstallable.
B 6. Virtual packages are a suitable existing mechanism for packages to
B    declare the set of abstract features they provide, and allow
B    packages in main to depend on such abstract features without
B    needing to name every (free or non-free) alternative.
B Therefore:
B 7. The Technical Committee resolves that alternative dependencies of
B    the form "Depends: package-in-main | package-in-non-free"
B    constitute a violation of the policy clause cited in point 1.
B 8. We recommend that affected packages consider the use of virtual
B    packages instead.

Colin Watson                                       []

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