Am 05.12.2012 13:07, schrieb Neil McGovern:

> Can someone explain: 1) Why there were no updates to the bug
> between December 2010 and June 2012?

The bug could not be resolved, so i didnt see any reason to update it.
Work was going on in the background to fix this (libjs-swfobject,
libjs-swfupload and swftools are my packages to get this one resolved).
Take a look into the changelog for exact dates of introduction.

> 2) What action is being taken to resolve the unbuildability of the
> AS1 SWFs?

Nothing. There is simply no open source AS1 compiler.

> 3) What action is being taken to resolve the bugs in as3compile
> (with bugrefs?)

Nothing. as3compile simply lacks the support for some of the language
constructs used in the code.

> 4) How likely it is that this bug will be fixed before jessie?

I dont know. TYPO3 currently ships version 6.0, when jessi comes it
will be surely 6.6+. 4.5 is outdated but a LTS version with support by
upstream until 04-2014.
TYPO3 6.0 introduced another big chunk of AS3 code (flowplayer) which
surely cannot be build in main until flex-sdk hits the archive. I
skipped packaging of 4.6 and 4.7 already because of not buildable flash

> 5) Why simply not removing the package would be a better idea?

Perhaps this is the better choice, as most new TYPO3 projects will use
6.0 or newer. I think many of the currently running installations are
4.6 or 4.7, and only a minority is at 4.5 currently.

 MfG, Christian Welzel

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