Le Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 09:09:35PM +0200, Julien Cristau a écrit :
> Hi Roger,
> can you please provide updated text for the latest changes in
> sysvinit/initscripts?  There should probably also be some note about the
> mandatory parallel boot changes, would you mind filing a separate bug
> for that part?

Hello everybody,

for the tmpfs part, how about the following ?  I attached the corresponding
DocBook patch.  I updated the text to mention that /tmp is not tmpfs by
default, and mentionned /etc/fstab as suggested by Aoki-san.

2.2.6. Temporary filesystems

    In previous releases, temporary (tmpfs) filesystems were mounted
    on /lib/init/rw, /dev/shm/ and optionally on /var/lock and /var/
    run. /lib/init/rw has been removed, and the others have been
    moved under /run. /var/run and /var/lock were configured using
    RAMRUN and RAMLOCK in /etc/default/rcS. All tmpfs filesystems are
    now configurable using /etc/default/tmpfs; the old settings are
    not migrated automatically.

    |Old location|New location|  Old setting   |  New setting   |
    |            |            |/etc/default/rcS|/etc/default/rcS|
    |/lib/init/rw|/run        |N/A             |N/A             |
    |/var/run    |/run        |RAMRUN          |N/A             |
    |/var/lock   |/run/lock   |RAMLOCK         |RAMLOCK         |
    |/dev/shm    |/run/shm    |N/A             |RAMSHM          |
    |N/A         |/tmp        |N/A             |RAMTMP          |

    The migration of data to the new locations will occur
    automatically during the upgrade and will continue to be
    available at the old and new locations, with the exception of lib
    /init/rw. No action is required on your part, though you may wish
    to customise which tmpfs filesystems are mounted, and their size
    limits, in /etc/default/tmpfs after the upgrade is complete.
    Please see the tmpfs(5) manual page for further details.

    If you have written any custom scripts which make use of /lib/
    init/rw, these must be updated to use /run instead.

    /tmp is not a tmpfs by default. If you chose to use this feature,
    please note that:

      * the contents of /tmp are not preserved across reboots;

      * /var/tmp exists for this purpose;

      * the maximum size of /tmp may (depending upon your specific
        system) be smaller than before. If you find that there is
        insufficient free space, it is possible to increase the size
        limits; see tmpfs(5).

      * Applications which create excessively large files in /tmp may
        cause /tmp to run out of free space. Such applications should not
        be using /tmp, and require fixing. Please consider filing a bug
        report against the application in question if you experience such
        an occurrence.

      * If desired, the defaults may also be overridden with an entry in
        in /etc/fstab, for example:

        tmpfs     /tmp tmpfs     nodev,nosuid,size=20%,mode=1777    0    0


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
Index: en/whats-new.dbk
--- en/whats-new.dbk	(révision 9642)
+++ en/whats-new.dbk	(copie de travail)
@@ -639,6 +639,143 @@
+<section id="tmpfs-filesystems">
+  <title>Temporary filesystems</title>
+  <para>
+    In previous releases, temporary (<literal>tmpfs</literal>) filesystems were
+    mounted on <filename class='directory'>/lib/init/rw</filename>, <filename
+    class='directory'>/dev/shm/</filename> and optionally on <filename
+    class='directory'>/var/lock</filename> and <filename
+    class='directory'>/var/run</filename>.  <filename
+    class='directory'>/lib/init/rw</filename> has been removed, and the others
+    have been moved under <filename class='directory'>/run</filename>. <filename
+    class='directory'>/var/run</filename> and <filename
+    class='directory'>/var/lock</filename> were configured using
+    <literal>RAMRUN</literal> and <literal>RAMLOCK</literal> in
+    <filename>/etc/default/rcS</filename>.  All <literal>tmpfs</literal>
+    filesystems are now configurable using <filename>/etc/default/tmpfs</filename>;
+    the old settings are not migrated automatically.
+  </para>
+<informaltable pgwide="1">
+  <tgroup cols="4">
+    <colspec align="justify"/>
+    <colspec align="justify"/>
+    <colspec align="justify"/>
+    <colspec align="justify"/>
+    <!-- colspec align="justify" colwidth="3*"/ -->
+    <thead>
+      <row>
+        <entry>Old location</entry>
+        <entry>New location</entry>
+        <entry>Old setting</entry>
+        <entry>New setting</entry>
+      </row>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      <row>
+        <entry></entry>
+        <entry></entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/etc/default/rcS</filename></entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/etc/default/rcS</filename></entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/lib/init/rw</filename></entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/run</filename></entry>
+        <entry>N/A</entry>
+        <entry>N/A</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/var/run</filename></entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/run</filename></entry>
+        <entry><literal>RAMRUN</literal></entry>
+        <entry>N/A</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/var/lock</filename></entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/run/lock</filename></entry>
+        <entry><literal>RAMLOCK</literal></entry>
+        <entry><literal>RAMLOCK</literal></entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/dev/shm</filename></entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/run/shm</filename></entry>
+        <entry>N/A</entry>
+        <entry><literal>RAMSHM</literal></entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <entry>N/A</entry>
+        <entry><filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename></entry>
+        <entry><literal></literal>N/A</entry>
+        <entry><literal>RAMTMP</literal></entry>
+      </row>
+    </tbody>
+  </tgroup>
+  <para>
+    The migration of data to the new locations will occur automatically during
+    the upgrade and will continue to be available at the old and new locations,
+    with the exception of <filename class='directory'>lib/init/rw</filename>.
+    No action is required on your part, though you may wish to customise which
+    <literal>tmpfs</literal> filesystems are mounted, and their size limits, in
+    <filename>/etc/default/tmpfs</filename> after the upgrade is complete.
+    Please see the tmpfs(5) manual page for further details.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    If you have written any custom scripts which make use of
+    <filename class='directory'>/lib/init/rw</filename>, these must be updated
+    to use <filename class='directory'>/run</filename> instead.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename> is not a <literal>tmpfs</literal>
+    by default.  If you chose to use this feature, please note that:
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>
+          the contents of <filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename> are not
+          preserved across reboots;
+        </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>
+          <filename class='directory'>/var/tmp</filename> exists for this purpose;
+        </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>
+          the maximum size of <filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename> may
+          (depending upon your specific system) be smaller than before.  If you
+          find that there is insufficient free space, it is possible to increase
+          the size limits; see tmpfs(5).
+        </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>
+          Applications which create excessively large files in
+          <filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename> may cause
+          <filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename> to run out of free space.
+          Such applications should not be using
+          <filename class='directory'>/tmp</filename>, and require fixing.
+          Please consider filing a bug report against the application in
+          question if you experience such an occurrence.
+        </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>
+          If desired, the defaults may also be overridden with an entry in in
+          <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>, for example:<programlisting>
+tmpfs     /tmp tmpfs     nodev,nosuid,size=20%,mode=1777    0    0
+        </para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </para>

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