¡Hola Atsuhito!

El 2013-06-10 a las 16:02 +0900, Atsuhito Kohda escribió:
>    * What led up to the situation?
>      only upgrading xawtv from 3.102-3 to 3.103-1

>    * What was the outcome of this action?
>      system was freezex and didn't accept any key iputs etc. so
>      I needed to power down by power button.
> I now downgraded xawtv to 3.102-3 and manually changed version number
> in reportbug session.  Please don't ask me "try again 3.103-1".
> It certainly made my system deep freezed.

As much as I understand that you don't want your system to freeze, I can't
reproduce it here so I will need more information about your system.

> -- debconf information excluded

Could you provide the output of: debconf-show xawtv?

Also, what kind of v4l2 input are you using? Could you provide the output of:
lspci and lsusb?

If you have xawtv/build-config in true the postinst script of xawtv might call
scantv, which would open the first v4l2 device and search signals in the
specified frequencies, if this is causing your system to hang I would suspect
of a kernel issue regarding the module for your first v4l2 device (scantv
might be slow, or even buggy, but it shouldn't hang your system, that's
normally a kernel issue.). You can skip the scantv by reconfiguring xawtv and
setting xawtv/build-config: false.

"There are only two things wrong with C++: The initial concept and the
-- Bertrand Meyer
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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