[ TL;DR: d-i FTBFS on sparc, what do we do now? ]

Thomas Schmitt <scdbac...@gmx.net> (2013-12-10):
> Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> > genisoimage: Error: './tmp/miniiso/cd_tree/boot/.' and
> > './tmp/miniiso/cd_tree/boot/..' have the same ISO9660 name ''.
> > [...]
> > Probably some FS-dependent fun? Anyone would have a clue about it?
> Looks like an internal error of genisoimage.
> '.' should be mapped to a 0x00-byte in ECMA-119, '..' to 0x01.
> See ECMA-119, Identification of directories.
> These names are reserved for that purpose.
> Any other colliding ECMA-119 names should be handled by mangling.

Thanks, Thomas.

@Kurt: did anything change on the buildd setup side? Both lebrun and spontini
got that FTBFS, while that wasn't the case before:

genisoimage comes from src:cdrkit, which wasn't exactly updated in a while:

I've got to double check what happens on smetana, but I think I didn't
get that error when trying to debug this FTBFS a few months ago.

I'm not sure we want to continuously give it back until it builds (which
it might on schroeder, since it didn't fail there yet)…

Failing a short resolution, I'm tempted to pretend sparc isn't an issue,
and maybe ask for a migration to testing + dak copy-installer.

@debian-release: would that sound reasonable?

@ftpmasters: I'm not sure an out-of-date build is going to be OK on the
dak side. What do you think?

> But why is that mini.iso produced by genisoimage at all ?
> debian-7.2.0-sparc-netinst.iso was produced by xorriso.

@Thomas: Probably due to historical reasons. Not sure I want to be
touching that since I know nothing about architecture/image-specific
settings. :/


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