
> I guess this is also a transitional problem and will try to rebuild later
> this week before I'll close the bug.
I'm afraid it's more complicated. ITK exposes various libraries via the
ITKTargets-none,cmake files, amongst these htf5.so and libfftw3.so -
even though these libraries should not be required for linking against
ITK libraries - at least not with modern linkers.

For hdf5 it is quite clear why the FTBFS happened: System hdf5 was
enabled with itk 4.6 but initially the libhdf5-dev was not added to the
libinsighttoolkit4-dev dependencies. 

However, I'm not quite sure why the problem with fftw comes up now,
libfftw3-dev is in the Recommends section, so it never was installed in
a pbuilder environment based on elastix dependencies. 

I guess we will have to move libfftw3-dev (and probably also uuid-dev)
from "Recommends" to "Depends" in the libinsighttoolkit4-dev section.

This probably also applies to  #759971. 

Unless Steve beats me to it, I'll probably get around to prepare a new
upload for insighttoolkit4 next week. 


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