Am 02.12.2014 um 14:58 schrieb Vincent Danjean:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 215-6
> Severity: important
>   On my laptop, I've both network-manager and wicd installed.
> I know that both cannot be used at the same time. I've both installed
> because, in one environment (in the house of my parents), network-manager
> does not succeed to keep the network (whereas it is a simple WEP), so I must
> use wicd. That said, on every other environment, I use only network-manager.
>   So, I do want wicd installed (to start it manually when I need it) but I do
> not want to have it started at boot time.
>   My problem is that, dispite trying to apply all information I found about
> disabling the start of a service, I did not succeeded since systemd is used.
> In particular, I tried
> sudo systemctl disable wicd
> sudo systemctl mask wicd
> but that is not enough (wicd still start at boot time).
>   I've no idea (nothing found in the doc for now) what to do. I do not even
> know why the service is started, by whom and how to find these informations.
> Of course, booting with init=/bin/bash and manually starting /etc/init.d/*
> scripts does not work any more with systemd...
>   If you need more information, please ask.

wicd seems to ship SysV init script only. I assume you haven't created
your own native wicd.service file in /etc/systemd/system?

What's the output of
systemctl status wicd.service


ls -la /etc/rc?.d/???wicd

The systemd-analyze dump which is attached to this bug report doesn't
contain any information about wicd, so I assume you filed the bug report
on a different machine.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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