Package: ftp-ssl
Version: 0.17.23+0.2-1+b1
Severity: important

It has remained unobserved since years back, that once the
main connection is protected by SSL, an attempt to build
a proxy connection will block the proxy session:

  $ ftp -v -d localhost
  ---> AUTH SSL
  234 AUTH SSL OK.
  [SSL Cipher AES256-GCM-SHA384]
  ---> USER egon
  ---> SYST
  Using binary mode to transfer files.
  ftp> proxy open vbox
  Connected to vbox.
  ssl_getc: SSL_read failed -1 = 4

The ordinary session is still functional, but the proxied
connection attempt must be forcefully interrupted.

Quickly perusing the source code, including SSL patching,
makes it clear that exactly one control channel is available
with SSL, and that the same connection context is applied
also on the proxy session, thus unveiling the observed failure.
In conclusion, major updates are needed to resolve the issue,
including modification to pswitch() in order that the primary
and proxy session are interchanged correctly as demand arises.

Best regards,
  Mats Erik Andersson

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