I've attached here two debdiffs for a couple of options which may be

It looks like the underlying bug has been fixed between versions 1.1
and 1.2 of NUT-Monitor, as the configuration directory is now being
created with a sensible mode (0700).

The attached patch `fix-permissions-on-start.debdiff' causes
NUT-Monitor to detect and correct unsafe permissions on ~/.nut-monitor
automatically when it is started. It also includes a NEWS item
explaining this.

The second patch, `just-warn.debdiff' merely includes a NEWS item
explaining the problem and suggesting a fix.

Hopefully one of these approaches may be sufficient.

Michael Fincham

Attachment: fix-permissions-on-start.debdiff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: just-warn.debdiff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpKU9VLZRsEZ.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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