Hi Jörg,

Ping. Any progress on xmlrpc-c?

On 10-01-15 21:35, Paul Gevers wrote:
> On 10-01-15 20:59, Paul Gevers wrote:
>>>> I think you don't need to add the version to the dpkg-gensymbols call,
>>>> and if you do, why strip the Debian part of the version? Doesn't
>>>> dh_makeshlibs call dpkg-gensymbols itself? So if you try to override
>>>> anything, shouldn't the dpkg-gensymbols calls be BEFORE the
>>>> dh_makeshlibs call? This doesn't look right to me. Have you seen
>>>> https://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles where it describes a way to
>>>> create a symbols file that contains as much history as possible?
> I disabled the calls to dpkg-gensymbols in your d/rules file and I
> manually removed the symbols for 1.39.2 for libxmlrpc-c++8 that you
> already added and I find that the symbols files are created. Indeed,
> lintian complains, but that is fixed by generating the symbols files
> before the build such that you can also build on it later. Yes, you can
> then strip them with -v (as you have them now in the package). Really,
> no need for the override of dh_makeshlibs AFAICT. The reason why I
> wouldn't want to have this in the rules is the risk of being forgetting
> to update the symbols file the next time it needs to be updated. In the
> end that would lead to to strict requirements on the version.

I saw you made some changes after the last e-mail, but you didn't
comment on it or my other e-mail (and I like to see your comments before
I decide what to think of the current state).

> Oh, and by the way, your get-orig-source target is broken. If I run it
> now, the $DATE string does not match the date in the changelog.


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