
Regarding the open r-cran-xml bug in Debian, the package's upstream author
wrote me the following text quoted below.  And indeed, we now get the desired

> print(z<-xmlNode("tag",value="data without newline"),  indent="", 
> tagSeparator="")
<tag> data without newline</tag>>

which allows more user control over the output.

I've adopted r-cran-xml and uploaded 0.99-3-1. Thanks to Rafael for
maintaining it initially, and to Andrew for the more recent QA upload.

Regards, Dirk

On 15 December 2005 at 07:02, Duncan Temple Lang wrote:
|  I have added two parameters to the print methods for the nodes
| indent and tagSeparator which can be specified as FALSE and ""
| respectively in a call to print(node) to get the desired behaviour.
| The defaults are " " and "\n" which match the default values for
|    xmlTreeParse( trim = TRUE, ignoreBlanks = TRUE)
| which make parsing a lot simpler.
| These are in a new version on the Omegahat web site.
|  Technically it is not a bug as the print mechanism
| is for displaying the node to users, not for generating
| a faithful and technically correct representation of the XML.
| Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
| - --
| Duncan Temple Lang                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Department of Statistics          work:  (530) 752-4782
| 371 Kerr Hall                     fax:   (530) 752-7099
| One Shields Ave.
| University of California at Davis
| Davis, CA 95616, USA
| Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Darwin)
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