Hi Oswald,

I'm suffering from a similar issue to Guillem, which I'll mention below,
but first a wishlist feature request (I hope you don't mind):

It would be super useful if mbsync -l could produce the actual literal path
of the Maildir to which a given folder was being sync'd. With sufficient
debug/verbosity I can infer from the "reading sync state" message, but
having a concise way to see how things will end up would greatly simplify
tweaking the config.

Anyway, on to the issue I'm having:

On Wed, 8 Apr 2015 09:53:40 +0200 Oswald Buddenhagen 
<oswald.buddenha...@gmx.de> wrote:
> i suspect this is due to the trailing dot in the Path specification,
> i.e., your attempt to create a namespace which uniformly uses leading
> dots, not only for subfolders.

I currently have a Maildir with:

$ cat ~/Maildir/..maildir++
maildir++ 1

and a layout like:

~/Maildir/{new,tmp,cur} # AKA INBOX
~/Maildir/..PATCHES.WIP/{new,tmp,cur} # From now on {...}

Which results (in the Evolution MUA GUI) in a tree like:

  |  |- WIP
  |  `- FOO
  `- Cronspam

As an alternative I could switch to:

~/Maildir/{new,tmp,cur} # AKA INBOX
~/Maildir/.PATCHES.WIP/{new,tmp,cur} # From now on {...}

Which would result in:

|  |- WIP
|  `- FOO
`- Cronspam

I'd be fine with switching to this if that is better supported somehow.

However this:

~/Maildir/{new,tmp,cur} # AKA INBOX
~/Maildir/PATCHES.WIP/{new,tmp,cur} # From now on {...}

Results in:

i.e. subfolders without the leading . are ignored. It was my understanding
(confirmed by the links which Guillem has posted) that the leading . was a
requirement of Maildir++.

I'm currently using 1.1.2-1 but due to this happening:

    Maildir error: UID 580 is beyond highest assigned UID 153.

I thought I should upgrade to 1.2.0-1 (I know how to fix this manually, and
have done, but I'd rather upgrade). On upgrade I trip over the "Error:
channel server: slave [...] cannot be opened." issue which Guillem

So, please could you recommend a set of options which produce a Maildir
tree which is compatible with Evolution's Maildir++?

My (redacted) .mbsyncrc is attached.

FWIW the other end in this case is a MS Exchange IMAP, I don't know which

Many thanks,
Host xxxxxxxxx
User xxxxxxxxx
Pass xxxxxxxxx
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

IMAPStore XXX-remote
Account XXX

MaildirStore XXX-local
Path ~/Maildir/..
Inbox ~/Maildir/
#AltMap yes
Flatten .

Channel XXX-inbox
Master :XXX-remote:
Slave :XXX-local:
Patterns INBOX
Create Slave # Without this no sync
Expunge Both
SyncState *

Channel XXX-folders
Master :XXX-remote:INBOX/
Slave :XXX-local:
Patterns * !INBOX
Create Slave
Expunge Both
SyncState *

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