Am 28.07.2015 um 10:11 schrieb
> I mean a complete patch, including conversion tools and such.

The patch was complete back then and the fix includes adding a single
line to your already existing menu file. You can either convert the png
icon to a xpm icon during build time with imagemagick or you can add it
to your debian directory. Solutions are documented on the wiki.

> If the "team" isn't working on a bug for 2 years, that's just
> cluttering the BTS for the actual maintainer.

You are also part of this team, at least on paper. If you were a helpful
team member, you would have fixed this trivial bug years ago. Applying
my patch takes only a minute. Not every Debian contributor can upload
every package in the archive. Your aggressive bug closing behaviour is

> I'm having a hard time assessing how much time you made me waste on
> something apparently only you cares about.

Obviously that is entirely your fault but then apparently there is a
pattern and I am not the only one who has made this experience.



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