Control: tags -1 -patch

On Sun, 2015-09-13 at 11:45 +0200, Teemu Ikonen wrote:
> I recently had to reinstall jessie to my MacBook2,1 and found that the
> Debian 8.2 i386 netinst image now works out of the box even with the
> strange EFI implementation in this box. Many thanks to Steve McIntyre
> for making this work, yay!
> In general I like to do my installations with the netboot images,

Do you mean mini.iso as in:
or something else?

> since the 28 M image is sure to fit any USB stick which happens to be
> at hand. It would be super-duper if the 32-bit and 64-bit EFI boot
> files could also be added to these images, so that they too would
> start to work like magic. For old intel MacBooks the EFI boot file
> needs to be in the removable path, i.e. efi/boot/bootia32.efi
> [I added the patch tag because the fix to this bug is known and
> trivial, no patch attached though]

No patch, so removed, whether the fix is known or trivial in principal
an actual patch which actually does the required thing is what needs to
be produced.

I'm not actually 100% clear what you are asking for. Given the above
mini.iso I have in the ESP:

$ isoinfo -x /boot/grub/efi.img -RJ -i mini.iso-sid > efi.img
$ mdir -i efi.img -/ -b


$ isoinfo -f -RJ -i mini.iso-sid

shows lots of stuff in /boot/grub/x86_64-efi of the main image, all of
which I believe is sufficient to boot on a 64-bit EFI system.

The i386 version of mini.iso instead has bootia32.efi in the ESP and
/boot/grub/i386-efi on the main ISO.

So either this isn't working for you or the request you are making is
for something else in addition.


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