Here's some more details:

I think Alsa should do all its disk operations only when all the disks
are fully mounted. Else you will have race conditions, and leave
artifacts which you cannot find later.

# df|egrep /$\|/var
/dev/sda8        6374088 4297552   1734696  72% /
/dev/sda7        5333357 2415393   2642466  48% /var

# mount /dev/sda8 /mnt/usb/thumb/

# find /mnt/usb/thumb/var/ ! -type d -ls
326072    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           23 Sep 25 19:57 
 -> /tmp/pulse-PKdhtXMmr18n

# rm -vr /mnt/usb/thumb/var/run
removed directory: ‘/mnt/usb/thumb/var/run/alsa/.config/pulse’
removed directory: ‘/mnt/usb/thumb/var/run/alsa/.config’
removed directory: ‘/mnt/usb/thumb/var/run/alsa’
removed directory: ‘/mnt/usb/thumb/var/run’

So on shutdown be sure to write before unmounting starts,
and on boot read after all mounting ends.

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