On 12/14/2015 06:18 PM, Andrew Ayer wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Have you given any more thought to a redesign of ca-certificates that
> separates the email certificates from the TLS certificates?  I suspect

Yep - got a patch?  :-)

> that the vast majority of packages that depend on ca-certificates use
> it for TLS server auth

Got patches for all the mail-related rdeps of ca-certificates?  :-)

I have not gone through every rdep package to cound, but there are quite
a few mail-related pacakges, so they should each have some new
filesystem location to search for mail-specific CA certificates.

> As always, let me know if you could use any help.  I'm going to start
> looking through the reverse depends for ca-certificates to identify
> packages that might be relying on roots for email authentication.

Exactly. I also do not know if pointing mail-related CAs to another
filesystem location and patching mail-related packages to look there is
sufficient - are there mail clients/utilities that also open https web urls?

Kind regards,

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