On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 02:20:26AM +0300, Strelok wrote:
> >that in run settings, if you prefer. In other words, the file you are
> > looking for is not in place where the program is looking.
> Yes. When file have "jpg" extension (last part of my message), program
> looking in right place. Because of this, I'm DONT get SIGABRT signal.
> But when I'm rename file, "place where the program is looking"
> mystically changed. Even if I'm set full path to file. Thank for you
> explanation. Facepalm.

Well, that is different. The problem is you can't name a .jpg file a
.png file. Qt uses file extension for format detection by
default.. QImageReader allows for more control in that.


- Adam

Adam Majer

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