Thomas Weber:
> > When writing named colors, liblcms2 currently writes uninitialized memory
> > when the prefix, suffix, or root color name strings are not
> > 32-characters long (including the NULL terminator). This prevents colord
> > from building reproducibly.
> > 
> > The attached patch will zero the memory before copying the profile
> > strings to ensure a consistent output.
> I am a bit unsure about the fact that you reduced the size of root[33]
> to root[32]. Even if this works out okay in the current code base, such
> a change should be made globally (i.e., _cms_NAMEDCOLORLIST_struct
> should be changed).
> What is your opinion on that?

The spec says the field to be 32 bytes long. Every other instance
of the code uses a 32 bytes long array. And IIRC, only 32 bytes could
ever be copied from the array, so assumed it was a typo while looking at
the code. It should probably be a separate patch…

Lunar                                .''`.                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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