also sprach Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <> 
[2016-03-10 18:04 +0100]:
> I don't know if your complaint is more the speed side of reloading
> the cache, or that you just don't see the need and don't want
> curses to be restored just for quitting.  In the latter case,
> maybe it would not be very difficult to implement what you ask,
> but the reloading of the cache would continue to be there.

Shouldn't the reloading of the cache happen in the background right
away? Why do I need to hit a key for it to start. Instead, start it
right away, and let the user hit a key to continue or 'q' to quit.
If s/he continues, then the UI can pick up the background process.
If 'q' is pressed instead, say that "aptitude is shutting down"
until the background process returns.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"the human brain is like an enormous fish --
 it is flat and slimy
 and has gills through which it can see."
                                                     -- monty python

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