Control: tags -1 +pending


thanks for repothing.
Yes you are right, that the quoting was not correct but it is remove_model 
that is incorrect:

> remove_module () {
>         local step=$1 module=$2 inifile=$2.ini package=$3 args=$4
> ...
> }

changed to: 

 remove_module () {
         local step=$1 module=$2 inifile=$2.ini package=$3 args="$4"

this is correct:
> remove_module $1 kolab php-kolab "$*"
> remove_module $1 kolabdummy php-kolab "$*"

$* is actually all arguments as single argument $@ would split the args in 
different arguments, and $4 should get all aguments and with $@ $4 not get all 
arguments. But because dash automatically splits the arguments, we have to add 
quotes around $4.

Fixed already in git master d0a6e11



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