
>Oh, I didn't think about the dependencies... That's unfortunate.
>Then it's probably best to keep binwalk with Python 2 support for full
>functionality. Though a python3-binwalk package would also be nice,
>even if it means that some functionality has to be disabled (if it is
>not too much work).
>Thanks for considering it!

while in general I agree about shipping both Python2 and Python3, I think
this is useful for libraries, or for core applications. In the context of
general purpose tools, such as binwalk, the probability to have it installed
in a Python3 only environment might be trascurable.

However, that said, I had complains when I added pyqtgraph and the python-qt
dependencies, because somebody was running it on low resource systems.

So, if you can patch and share it with me I'll be happy to apply it!
(I'm really out of time, and such features might end up in the long term 



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