That would be great. You mean customise.conf, correct? Anything I can do to help?


P.S.: Thanks for all the effort you put into this - I'm using Debian on ARM devices for my mail/DNS/VPN/... server(s) since the old NSLU2 days and it all started on on :)

On 05/05/2016 10:59 PM, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
* Christian Mueller <> [2016-04-29 22:20]:
Long story cut short: if there is a way to identify TS-119 vs. TS-219
hardware, a fix would be very welcome.
There's a configuration file on /dev/mtdblock5 which contains the
device type.  I'm starting to think the easiest solution would be to
mount that device, check the device type and configure qcontrol

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