Cheers for the review Mattia! I'll look into all of this. A few comments:

On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Mattia Rizzolo <> wrote:

> ...
> * d/patches/01_makefile_fixes.patch:
>   + Probably use += instead of ?= in the first CFLAGS?
>   + I'd rather use install(1) instead of cp(1)
>   + Really forward at least the DESTDIR/INSTALL change

Yes, thanks for reminding me -- do intend to follow up with upstream. I'm
curious if this makefile was perhaps written for some crusty old version of
make that doesn't do well with the "optional assignment" syntax used for
DESTDIR/INSTALL. I had similar questions about the use of cp vs. install.
I'll see if upstream has any strong attachment to any of this.

> * d/patches/02_manpage_fixes.patch:
>   + what's blocking you from forwarding this patch?

Nothing at all, it just hasn't been done yet.

> * d/rules:
>   + get rid of all those useless comments
>   + DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS and the inclusion of is
>     useless, please read debhelper(7)
>   + trailing whitespace at line 22
>   + what's wrong with using --sourcedirectory on the dh(1) call instead
>     of overriding everything like that?

Oh much better idea, didn't know I could do that.

>   + I'd avoid that "INSTALL=install -D" by patching correctly the
>     makefile to default INSTALL on install(1) instead of cp(1) (as I
>     said above)


Thanks again!

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